Civ Books

CivRealms Liquor

Face of axusgrad
Signed by axusgrad
on CivRealms 2.0
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§l§6Liquor of§r §l§6 CivRealms§r §0 §r§l§0(1st Edition)§r §0Go from zero to intoxicated with one of these easy-to-make liquors! This book's recipes only require 1 ingredient.§r
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§0Page 3 .... Alcohol Tips§r §0Page 6 .... Grain Vodka§r §0Page 7 ...... Beet Vodka§r §0Page 8 .. Potato Vodka§r §0Page 9 ...... Apple Cider§r §0Page 10 .......... Cachaca§r §0Page 11 .... Golden Rum§r §0Page 12 ............. Tequila§r
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§n§0Alcohol Tips§r §0Most of these ingredients are available around the world. Vodka is unique in that it can be made 3 different ways.§r §0Create "Neutral Spirits" by using a crafting table, and putting the Smooth Vodka in the very center spot.§r
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§n§0Alcohol Tips (cont.)§r §0Check the cauldron with a gold clock for the timing; liquor is more forgiving than beer.§r §0Most liquors do not need to spend the full time in the barrel or still. If it looks good, it's ready!§r
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§n§0Alcohol Tips (cont.)§r §0This first edition has 5 alcohols; we have not found combinations with Neutral Spirits yet, but research is in progress. Melon, Netherberry, and Pumpkin seem promising.§r
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§bSmooth Vodka§r§0 (Grain)§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §l§64 Hay Bale§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a6 minutes§r §l§0Not Barrel Aged§r §l§0Distilled §r§33§r§0 Times§r
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§bSmooth Vodka§r§0 (Beet)§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §418 Beets§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a6 minutes§r §l§0Not Barrel Aged§r §l§0Distilled §r§33§r§0 Times§r
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§bSmooth Vodka§r§0(Potato)§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §718 Potatoes§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a6 minutes§r §l§0Not Barrel Aged§r §l§0Distilled §r§33§r§0 Times§r
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§l§4Apple Cider§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §413 Apples§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a7 minutes§r §l§03.5-4 Years in§r §7Birch Barrel§r §l§0Not Distilled§r §0Patience is a virtue.§r
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§cT§r§6r§r§eo§r§ap§r§3i§r§1c§r§9a§r§dl§r§6 Cachaca§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §225 Sugarcane§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a12 minutes§r §l§01 Year in§r §2Jungle Barrel§r §l§0Not Distilled§r
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§l§6Golden§r§l§6 Rum§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §824 Sugar§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a17.5 minutes§r §l§k§0???§r§l§0 Years in§r §2Jungle Barrel§r §l§0Not Distilled§r §0Brew past the 17 minute mark.§r
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§l§2Tequila§r §l§0Ingredients:§r §210 Cacti§r §l§0Cooking Time:§r §a20 minutes§r §2Jungle Barrel§r§0 §r§l§0Optional§r §l§0Distilled §r§32§r§0 Times§r
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§0Neutral Spirits is an ingredient for new drinks, sadly we have not found any mixed liqueurs. §r §0For a lighter drink, check out §r§l§6Beers of CivRealms§r §0--axusgrad§r