Civ Books

TWP Program

Face of SwissAndHam
Signed by SwissAndHam
on CivClassic 2.0
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The Program of the Workers' Party - MtA§0 §0-------------------§0 §0 §0 §0 §0 §0 §0 §0 §0Published by the Little Leningrad Printer's Union.
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1. NATIONALIZATION§0 §0 The socialist rule "from each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" shall be realized in Augustan society. We will achieve this through government control of all major industry, this shall be overseen by the
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office of the Mayor. All those who work towards the betterment of society are entitled to recieve from it the products of their labor.
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2. ANTI-IMPERIALISM§0 §0 Imperialism and its by-products, annexation and subjugation, are a form of exploitation and oppression. It serves only to benefit the nation that is doing the exploiting. This is an immoral act that should not be tolerated. We demand
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that the Augustan state cease, forevver, all imperialist wars of aggression.
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3. ANTI-NATIONALISM§0 §0 Fascism is a force of reaction, surfacing from the lack of enthusiasm towards genuine socialist change for the betterment of all society. The acceptance of which is defeatism, apathy for progress and liberty. As socialists, we urge
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the state and furthermore the common working people take action against fascism and its various covert tendencies, one of which is now found within the National Union Party.
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4. WORKER UNITY§0 §0 In order to overcome the many obstacles to world-wide liberation of all oppressed peoples, the people of the world must unite under a common banner. The forces of oppression must not be allowed to continue their advance and immoral
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exploitation of the workering classes. Only through unity and the realization of socialist ideals can the world truly be free.
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5. VANGUARDISM§0 §0 In order to ensure all voices of the oppressed are heard, the Workers' Party wishes to act as the vanguard of the people. We will be the vehicle through which the oppressed, working classes are heard. When we are elected we shall act as
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the people's representatives in government.
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Nationalization takes back what is ours,§0 §0Anti-Imperialism stops the crimes committed against us from spreading,§0 §0Anti-Nationalism opposes the autocratic and oppressive rules who wish to subjugate us,§0 §0Unity gives us the ability to voice our opinions,
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Vanguardism is the tool through which the voices of the oppressed are heard, and their will enforced!§0 §0 §0Workers of Mount Augusta, Unite! Together we shall take what is ours!