Civ Books

TWP Constitution

Face of SwissAndHam
Signed by SwissAndHam
on CivClassic 2.0
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The Constitution of the Workers' Party - MtA§0 §0-------------------§0 §0 §0 §0 §0Printed by the Little Leningrad Printer's Union
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1. MEMBERSHIP§0 §0 All those who are in general agreement with our Program and Constitution, have obtained voting rights in MtA, wish to take an active role in the Party, defending our ideas where they may face reaction; participating in party politics and
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events; are eligible for membership within the Party.§0 §0 Upon joining each new member must pass through a probation period in which they are not permitted to vote on intra-party resolutions and proposals but are still expected to vote with the Party in
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national elections for Mayor and Judge. The Central Committee is responsible for giving probationary members full membership through a majority vote of all its delegates.§0 §0 Comrades who can't commit to Party membership but are in general agreement with
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the Program and Constitution and can vote with the Party may join as sympathizers. Sympathizers don't have the rights full members do, and are not permitted to participate in regular party policy, but are still recognized as Party members.
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2. FIRST SECRETARY§0 §0 A First Secretary is to be elected, when necessary, by the membership following normal voting procedure. The position of First Secretary is that of eternal Party head. The First Secretary is responsible for the maintenance and manage-
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ment of the Central Committee to which it is responsible to. The holder of the First Secretary's position may only be recalled and replaced through a 3/4ths vote of the entire Party membership.
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3. CENTRAL COMMITTEE§0 §0 Upon being elected, the First Secretary appoints their Central Committee to aid in running and organizing the day-to-day work of the Party. The First Secretary is responsible to the Central Committee and all decisions made by it
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become binding on all positions including the First Secretary. The Central Committee can pass both amendments and resolutions proposed by either a full member of a Committee delegate with a 2/3rds vote. If a resolution or amendment fails to pass, it is
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sent to the Party membership where it can pass with a simple majority of full members in favor. Members of the Central Committee may be recalled at will by the First Secretary.
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4. VOTING PROCEDURE§0 §0 The procedure for deciding the candidate the Party endorses is as follows: a party-wide vote is initiated in which all full members, unless voted otherwise by the Central Committee, may participate. The first segment of the election
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is a 48-hr nomination period where any full member can announce their candidacy and participate in discussion. After the nomination period, there is a 48-hr election period where any full member can vote on which candidate they'd like to have endorsed.
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All decisions made will become final and it's expected that all members uphold the Party's decision.