Civ Books

Manifesto of TWP

Face of SandFalls
Signed by SandFalls
on CivClassic 2.0
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Manifesto of§0 §0 The Workers' Party§0 §0-------------------§0 §0 §0 §0 §0 §0 §0Written by Comrade SandFallst
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Sécurité, Égalité, Fraternité.§0 §0 §0The Workers' Party has a long history for CivCraft organizations. It was founded on 27 December, 2010 by our Comrade ZombieLenin, and has kept its form, function, and values since this foundation, through changes
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in size, leadership, and circumstance. This is the Party's strength.§0 §0 It has led cities and nations under its rule to great power when wielded with skill and precision, and to death when wielded without skill, or haphazardly.§0 §0 It is the goal of this
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book to educate all the people of the Party, on its aims, and its foundations. To ignore one in favor of the other would be to grip the Party with only one hand. It will not be as strong as it could.
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Section 1: Sécurité§0 §0----------------§0 §0 The Party must keep itself stable and secure, so that the People may trust it to guide them forward. There is no use in a Party of Chaos.§0 §0 To this end, the Party has followed the line of Democratic Centralism, so
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as to keep the Party united, if not in mind, in action, and in goal.§0 §0 At the head of the Party is its Leader, named differently in different ages, but always the same in responsibility. It is the work of the leader to keep the Party moving, to not for a
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moment lag behind the People's will. Mistakes are made, indeed. It is the inevitability of our humanity. But they must be recognized, and then fixed.§0 §0 In the times of the Party leading a state, this principle extends there as well, a state which lags
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behind the People is to be discarded.§0 §0 In the times of the Party not leading its resident State, it is the aim of the Party to establish itself as self-sustaining, as separate from existing power structures, and to take the reigns of internal power.
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Section 2: Égalité§0 §0---------------§0 §0 Before the Party, all the people are equal. However, this is not to say that all enjoy the same privileges.§0 §0 Some give more to the Party than is required of them, and are rewarded with the Party's trust. Others
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give the minimum, and are rewarded only with the base tier of Party resources.§0 §0 To give all the same access to resources at the Party's hand would be a threat to the principle of Sécurité.§0 §0 It is paradoxical to some, but it is the position of the Party
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that Equality does not mean equal access. To give the lowest contributor the same gifts as the highest contributor would in effect be a theft from the latter for the former. This is both tactically and ethically a mistake the Party will not commit.
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Our Equality comes in the form of: equality of opportunity inside the Party, equality of law before the Party, and the recognition of one's labor.§0 §0 "To each according to their contribution," is the essence of our equality.
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Section 3: Fraternité§0 §0------------------§0 §0 The individualism of bourgeois society is defunct. To see proof of this, you must only look at Impasse, now Corvus Corporation. An entire nation which fell to the plague of Anarcho-Capitalism.§0 §0 We cannot
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let this disease infect us as well.§0 §0 In any area run by the Party, be it part of a state not run by the Party, or be it a state run by the Party, all is owned by the Party. Factories, Farms, Storage, and Buildings, all Party- owned.§0 §0 This is not to say
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the People have no control. The Party is the People, and the People are the Party. They are two sides of the same exact coin.§0 §0 The Party may have internal divisions, for labor, trust, or any other purpose, but the entire Party is united towards its aims
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and goals. To disobey is treason, willingly undermining efforts of the Party.§0 §0 All comrades are expected to work for the betterment of the Party, and thus, for the betterment of all Party members and Party subjects, including themselves. It is through
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work for the Party that one can improve their own situation.§0 §0 While the capitalists are divided, split into a thousand companies, ventures, states, and groups, the Party must unite all like-minded socialists, and form itself as a power in its own right.
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Summary§0 §0--------§0 §0Sécurité, the Party must keep itself stable internally, so it may do its work efficiently.§0 §0Égalité, the Party must recognize the labor of the People, and give to them accordingly.§0 §0Fraternité, the Party must be united, so it may challenge
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the Capitalists who oppose it.§0 §0 §0Together, these three values form a strong foundation for the Party to stand on, and do its work upon.§0 §0 Without them, the Party will sink into the mud, and be thrown in the dustbin of history.